Definition of EOS

EOS is the platform built for developing dApps (distributed apps). We explain much more about that below. Like most (if not all) blockchain projects, it has its token to raise money and track usage.

Also, the project remains called an operating system for blockchain. The goal behind this project it provides developers with all the tools they need to build apps and full-scale applications using the EOS blockchain network.

And its launch in 2017 by Block. One, the company that develops blockchain projects (although it focuses on EOS).

Also, customers who want to build the programs on the EOS platform buy tokens to fund this development.

And access to the platform requires that the developer own the specific number of tokens they buy on an open market.

What are the Features of EOS?

  • EOS is not only a blockchain project that addresses distribution apps. One of the most widely-used projects, Ethereum.
  • And it arguably created the idea through its introduction of “smart contracts.” Users on the Ethereum network can make the deal when the terms of the deal take remain met.
  • Also, the network automatically transfers its proprietary ether tokens in payment. And it’s perhaps the earliest form of dApp.
  • (Another way of putting it is that intelligent contracts create apps by inventing blockchain-based software confirming transactions.)
  • And however, EOS does advertise new features specifically intended it help developers create apps on blockchain networks. Most notably, these features include:

1. Scalability

  • Blockchain apps often run into resource limits. As noted above, this architecture takes not yet caught on in the mass market.
  • And its problem for a technology that depends on networking and network effects for its efficiency. Also, EOS offers new scalability solutions, such as asynchronous access to resources and parallel execution.
  • These help numerous developers use the network at the same time, it relieving overcome resource bottlenecks.

2. Token Holding Model

  • Most blockchain projects require users to consume tokens, like coins at an arcade.
  • And someone buys the token and then spends it access the project for the period. (it’s known as the transactional model.)

3. Development Kit

  • Block has released a development kit for EOS that typically regards as more feature-heavy than most competitors.
  • Also, the development kit is the set of tools given to programmers to create apps and applications, giving them access to what the platform native designed.

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