Returning to school can only mean one thing: winter is coming. Winter weather brings dangerous conditions, making it hazardous for staff and students. And if the school building has been damaged and is deemed unsafe, or if the school has no heating or lighting, this could lead to the need to close your school.

To prevent this, properly prepare this school facility for harsh winter conditions. Read on to find out how.

Gritting the premises

Sandblasting or adding salt to frost-prone areas is very important for safety. These areas may include hallways, parking areas, entrances, hallways, playgrounds, and vehicle access routes in a school setting.

To spread salt and gravel quickly and efficiently, you can purchase a grit-spreader. They will dispense heated product and prevent guards from tossing heavy bags of salt into the freezing cold. Depending on your school, you can choose from different types of spreaders:

● Movable partitions: ideal for car parks and playgrounds. It can be used by a car, truck, quad or ATV, or any other vehicle properly equipped with a tow bar.

● Walk-Behind Spreaders – The best choice for small spaces is to push by hand to spread the salt.

Clean the guttering

All the leaves, dissolved, and dirt removed throughout the year can be washed into the roof drainage system when it rains. This can prevent rainwater from draining away and, in the most challenging situations, can lead to roof leaks and dampness, which can be very difficult to fix.

You can ensure that all pipes are clean and flowing well by cleaning gutters. That way, when it snows or ice builds up around it and starts to melt, you can be sure it will flow smoothly and without smoke.

Check boilers and radiators

Keeping classrooms warm is very important in winter. A cold classroom means children won’t focus on their learning, and it will be hard for them to concentrate.

You must trust that all boilers are checked and working correctly, reducing the risk of cold weather failure. You should also ensure that all heaters are checked and working correctly. This includes examining the valves, providing no rust or mould, and bleeding them if necessary.

Disinfect germ hotspots

Colds, flu, and other viruses spread like dust in winter, especially in schools where children live together in close quarters. It is vital to have a primary disinfectant to combat germs that may enter the classroom, quickly eradicating them before they have a chance to spread.

You can use a disinfectant spray or wipes to clean hot spots in a classroom, such as light switches, drawer pulls, chairs, and tables.

Check the lighting

Winter brings not only cold weather but also shorter days and longer nights. Staff and students can come to school (or leave) when the light levels are low. Check that all benefits are in good working order at home and that all school facilities can accommodate them.

Although natural light is best to bring into the classroom, during the winter LED lights are a great alternative. For outdoors, high bay lighting and floodlights illuminate areas for students, teachers and parents to keep the school safe.

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