Freelancers – As the world of work continues to change rapidly, project management is becoming increasingly important for businesses.

According to the Intl. Project Management Institute, 80% of projects fail because of poor project management. As a result, there has never been a greater need for effective project management apps and software solutions to help freelancers and small businesses succeed in this competitive environment.

Working as a freelancer or running your own business means you have more responsibility than an employee at an organization, not just about what work you choose to take on but also about managing your time and how much money you make.

This is why it’s essential that you find a project management app that suits your needs as a freelancer or solo business owner, which we will look at in this blog post.

1. Accounting

Regarding business apps, accounting is essential to any project management app. As a freelancer, you’ll need to keep track of your income and expenses, so it’s vital that any project management app you choose allows you to do this easily and accurately.

2. Invoicing

One of the tasks that all freelancers and small business owners have to deal with regularly is sending invoices to clients. The sooner you send an invoice after completing a project, the more likely you’ll get paid by that client.

Because of this, it’s essential that you find a project management app like Hectic™, which will allow you to quickly and easily send invoices to your clients with as little hassle as possible.

3. Reporting

Like most freelancers, you’re likely to manage several projects simultaneously. This means you’ll have to keep track of everything from client details to project timelines and budgets.

Therefore, you should look for a project management app that allows you to easily create custom reports based on your key metrics to help you keep track of your projects and their key metrics, such as project timelines, budgets, and client details.

4. Meeting Scheduling

While this may not be an essential feature for all freelancers, it could make your life easier if you manage multiple projects simultaneously and have to meet with your clients on a regular basis as you work remotely.

5. Time Tracking

Time tracking allows you to accurately calculate how much time you dedicate to each project and helps you identify which tasks are more time-consuming. Some project management apps also create detailed workflows that can help you keep track of your time more accurately.

6. Client Portal

As a freelancer or small business owner, there will be times when your client would like to view your progress on a project or request changes to the project timeline.

While this can be done through email, having a Hectic™ client portal integrated into your project management app allows you to keep all your communication and project progress in one place.

7. Communication

Communicating effectively with your clients is another essential aspect of project management. This is because it helps to keep your clients happy and shows them that you are professional and organized, especially since you’ll be working remotely.

In Conclusion

Whether you’re just starting as a freelancer and working on your first project, or you’ve been in the business for a while and want to switch up your process, using Hectic™ can help streamline your workflow, reduce stress, and keep everything organized. This project management software can make a difference in staying organized and on-task.