The European tournament for League of Legends is commonly known as the LEC. It began in 2013, and continues to provide players and audiences with thrilling entertainment. When teams are competing at such a high level for the honor of being crowned champions, it’s inevitable that intense rivalries develop. Over the years, the LEC has produced many dramatic moments.

G2 versus Fnatic

By 2015, Team Fnatic had been successful in winning almost every split since the tournament began. Fnatic established itself as the dominant presence in the LEC. The only threat came from G2, the team’s main rival. The star player in Fnatic was Martin “Rekkles” Larsson. However, Luka “Perkz” Perkovic, a seventeen-year-old G2 newcomer, had the technical skills to help his team make an impression. The combat between Rekkles and Perkz became legendary. Eventually, Perkz was acknowledged as the greatest player the LEC had produced. Their rivalry ended when Perekz left G2 and was replaced by Rekkles!

Introducing MAD Lions

The Spanish esports team, MAD Lions, was founded in 2017. By 2020, the team was proficient enough to compete in the LEC. Players such as Humanoid, Shad0w, and Kaiser displayed extraordinary skills to scare G2, their opponents in the playoffs. The performance of MAD Lions during the 2020 Spring Split has gone down in LEC history as one of the greatest ever. G2 had dominated the LEC for years and seriously underestimated their opponents, MAD Lions. The Spanish team fought hard to achieve what many viewers believed was impossible: it forced G2 into the losers’ bracket. MAD Lions eventually lost out to Fnatic, but the team had made an impact.

A Three-Way Split

The Summer Split of the 2021 LEC became famous for dismantling G2’s dominance of the tournament. To make matters worse, the team’s fall from grace was caused by MAD Lions, a team that had overcome G2 with another strong performance the previous year. Meanwhile, Team Fnatic was closely observing their matches with the intention of stepping forward to claim the title once G2 had been beaten. Armut, Humamnoid, and Elyoya of MAD Lions were in amazing form. They fiercely contested every aspect of their matches to emerge triumphant against G2 and Fnatic.

Team BDS and the Winter Split 2024


No team in the LEC can rest easy when new talent is constantly emerging. This was evident in the 2024 Winter Split that was held in Berlin, Germany. Team BDS was founded in Switzerland in 2018. The team has made a rapid rise to success and manages to dominate matches against established giants such as Fnatic, Team Vitality, and MAD Lions. However, Team G2 was waiting to spoil the incredible wins gained by BDS. In the LEC, everyone has a great opportunity to be successful through hard work and dedication. To discover more about these great team rivalries, check out