Keep Personal Information Extremely Private

Almost all online sites might need you to offer your personal information for registration. Some online gaming sites like free spin do require identification information, mainly because money is involved, and they would want to ensure that the players are trustworthy people. It is essential to check if the gaming site involved is legit and licensed.

Privacy Settings should Always be on

A marketer will want to know everything there is to know about you, and that’s a hacker’s primary intention. Your browsing history and activities on social media can tell so much about a person. Most gadgets have had an upgrade over time to have more robust privacy settings to ensure your online training is secure. If you switch off your privacy settings for a while, it might be enough time for a hacker to get a hold of your gadget and all the information they might need to steal from you or use your account for malicious purposes.

Secure Internet Connection

If you are using your internet connection at home or work, it is vital to secure it with a strong password since most of the information you have used or sent there might be encryption to the internet end. Avoid using public internet connections and if there is a need to use it, avoid sending critical information through the public internet. The use of virtual private networks (VPN) improves your internet browsing security.

Think about it for a second. You might be travelling for work or vacation to some different country. On reaching that you realise that your favourite websites are banned by the ISP of the country on advice of the government. Using a VPN will allow you to visit great content downloading sites like

Avoid Downloads

If you are unsure about a program or an app, or better still, it is not your initial intention to download it, then don’t. Hackers use attractive pop-ups to lead you to download apps like programs known as malware used to steal information. Some apps that come in games or apps used for work out or other leisure activities might contain this malware. If the site that these apps come from is not one that you feel you can trust, then it is best if you avoid them.


The use of strong and coded passwords with mixed letters, numbers and special characters is the key to keeping your accounts safe. Avoid using the same passwords for different accounts so that you don’t fall victim to losing out on most of your accounts. Passwords are some of the weakest points that hackers can guess what password you might be using. There is password software that can help you create stronger passwords.

Online Purchases

Like hackers would use malware to get your information, some cons come from suppliers. Online businesses have been on the rise, especially with Instagram and Facebook for trading, and one must have a closer look at the sites where they make a purchase or order something from them. Most places would only offer the option of payment before delivery, and once you pay, they might ghost you.

It is also important to note that purchasing online involves giving your credit card details or bank account details. Hackers might disguise themselves as a business to get your financial information. It is important to note that to identify a secure address for the site, one should look out for https (theirs at the end means safe); if you get to an address that is just http, that should be suspicious to you.


Antivirus is fundamental on your computer and as well as your phone. The security software blocks any suspicious activity and anything that might cause a threat to the information on your gadgets. Keep updating your antivirus to ensure it is up to date with any hackers’ tactics.

Pick Online Picks Carefully

Not everyone you meet online is a good person and vice versa. Many social media fake accounts of people pretending not to be who they are and disguising themselves as other people. Hackers might be one of those dangerous people that you might interact with within your social endeavours. It is important to take people you pick online with a pinch of salt until you feel content and comfortable. Keep in mind to check out too good to be true aspects that might guide you to seeing this person, not by their presence. If you have a gut feeling of something not being right, then it would be a good idea to follow it.

It is essential to understand that what you post might attract attention to cybercriminals, and they may take you to be their primary target. A contradicting post about sensitive topics like politics and religion might put you on a blackmail spot even when you hit the delete button.

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